Children’s Charity Network is a not-for-profit organization, which acts as an umbrella for different programs/initiatives.
Its main aim is to build, foster and nurture confidence and self-esteem in all children. Children’s Charity Network has an income tax exempt and a DGR status. In 2006, it changed its name to Children’s Charity Network, a generic name, to allow it to expand its programs and activities.
The Australian Children’s Literary Board with its annual “Young Australian Art & Writers Awards which includes the Young Indigenous Art Awards” remains one of our most well-known activity, however, new programs and activities we have introduced recently such as the “Books for Kids” program for children with Learning Difficulties, are also increasing in popularity.
We are hoping that with the generous support from the community to be able to expand our programs, constantly identify new ways to encourage children to pursue whatever they feel is their forte and boost their morale, as well as help children affected by less “known” or “talked about” conditions such as Learning Difficulties, by raising awareness in the community about these conditions.
We believe that by highlighting the positives, we bring the best out in each child and we give children the opportunity to believe in themselves and that they are capable of succeeding in life. Through our programs and initiatives, children learn to be proud of what they can achieve rather than ashamed by what they cannot achieve.
Our awards are an opportunity for their talents, strengths and personal attributes to become the focus; and theses areas become acknowledged in a public way where possible. We believe by gaining confidence and self-esteem, children become more resilient and are better equipped to thrive to achieve their goals in life and fulfill their dreams; whatever these dreams may be.
Fostering and nurturing confidence and self-esteem in a child is one of the best gifts one could give a child.